Project name: Implementation of equal opportunities for women and men in employment – tools, practices, changes
Coordinating organisation: Social Innovation Fund
Programme or Initiative: European Social Fund
Description: One of the main aims was to foster employers to understand the nature of gender equality, to realize its importance to enterprise, to create and implement systematically the measures for ensuring gender equality at workplaces. During the project time, 54 employers or representatives of employers’ organisations participated in 80 hours training programme “Gender equality planning at enterprises”. The programme was based on international experience of gender equality planning and Finnish experience in preparing gender equality plans in enterprises.

Project name: WO-MEN: Gender Equality Creates Democracy
Coordinating organisation: Social Innovation Fund
Programme or Initiative: EC Socrates Grundtvig 1
Description: The project aims to promote European value on gender equality and democracy through lifelong learning and to develop quantitative and qualitative instruments to monitor the application of gender sensitive policies. The project targets policy and decision makers, adult educators and leaders of NGOs, which could influence and improve gender-balanced policy on local, regional and national levels towards the needs of gender-discriminated people. Main activities are oriented for stimulating of demand for lifelong learning on gender equality and developing social partnership between organisations from the civil society and the political world to bring about gender equality initiatives for the most disadvantaged people.

Project name: MONIKKO
Coordinating organisation: Finnish Institute of Occupational Health
Programme or Initiative: ESF - EQUAL
Description: MONIKKO was a research- and development project on workplace equality and diversity carried out in 2005–2007. The project focused on gender equality while a wider perspective including e.g. age, ethnicity and disability was adopted. MONIKKO produced innovations and good practices promoting gender equality at work, reduced gender segregation of work tasks, developed interaction between people of different ages at workplaces, and erased discriminatory practices related to ethnicity.

Project name: Developments In Diversity - Europe (DiDe)
Coordinating organisation: Merseyside Expanding Horizons
Programme or Initiative: UK National Agency for the Leonardo programme
Description: The aim of the Developments In Diversity - Europe project (DiDe) is to promote respect for diversity and to increase the ability of those in vocational education and training, HRD and the labour market to manage diversity.

Project name: Diversity and Gender Experts for Europe (DiGe_E)
Coordinating organisation: IUK GmbH
Programme or Initiative: EC Socrates Grundtvig 1
Description: The project consortium developed and tested the curriculum "Managing Diversity and Gender Competences"; compiled and compared existing concepts (modules, tools, material) from different European countries; developed and adapted training modules, addressing diverse target groups. Through the project a pool of European diversity and gender experts was built up for the dissemination of results, further improvement of the concept, as well as facilitatation of exchange of experience.